We’re always on the look out for the most reputable, online sources for qualified inquiries at a price that won’t break the bank and ensure quality conversion inquiry to sale. Educa Worldwide decided if we can’t find it, we’d build it. A group of close associates formed a new company called Zu. You can check our their site here. The idea is to provide total transparency in business-to–consumer verticals that are anything but — one of the worst being adult education.
Zu’s business model is built around five core guarantees that no one else seems to offer: 100% contact rate (yes, I said contact rate), 100% transparency, 100% compliance, 100% client exclusivity, and 100% data integrity. We think that’s a lot to offer, so we’ve begun using them as one of our core providers on campaigns ranging from adult education to automotive services. If you think there’s a fit for your organization, give them a call at 888-964-0122. Oh, and extension 403? That routes to the company dog.
We like to light fires and create meaningful value when companies can benefit from Educa Worldwide’s suite of advertising and marketing solutions. While attending the largest solar conference in the United States, Solar Power International in Chicago October 21-24, we created our own spark of creativity. The result: The formation of Educa Worldwide’s solar energy advertising division, a team exclusively dedicated to supporting solar installation companies nationwide with our direct-response advertising tools for acquiring customers and producing more results with higher efficiency across all media platforms. To learn more about our pay-per-performance solar advertising model, contact one of our solar specialists today at 877-868-9666.